We Help Great Songs Get On Great Playlists
Our playlists can generate up to 1,000 streams per day.
Data taken from isitagoodplaylist.com
We do NOT submit your music to fake bot playlists!
We do NOT Generate fake streams for your music.
We do NOT submit your music to playlists with more then 300 songs.
For every submission, you will receive a written review from our curators,
If they like your music, they will add it their playlist, blog, channel or radio station.
Who are our Curators?
We have more than 1500 curators on our platform, which will help you reach your music target audience. These curators range from a variety of different genres.
Our curators are divided by playlist size, which is determined
by the number of followers for each playlist or channel.
Here's a sample of curators we work with:

Spotify curator
200,000+ Playlist followers

Don's Tunes
YouTube Channel 1,500,000 Subscribers

TikTok Influencer
4.6 Million Subscribers

Pop Record Label

Sono Music
Music Blogger & Label

Radio Station
What's our agenda?
The Artist Comes First
Only Genuinely Organic
Curators And Playlists
Every Music Submission Is Reviewed - Guaranteed!
Only Genuinely Organic
Curators And Playlists
Maximum Of 300 Songs
On A Spotify Playlist
What we do?
We are a one stop shop for all your music promotion needs!
You can submit music to Spotify playlists, send your song to radio stations,
submit music to blogs, record labels, TikTok influencers and Youtube channels.
Artists releasing music can promote music on 6 different streaming platforms!
(Deezer Playlists and Apple Music coming soon)
We help independent artists grow their music career through online music submissions
What do artists think about us?
Notes: Artists do not need an electronic press kit to use our platform nor any large social media following. We currently do not promote music videos. We do not publish anything on your personal social media platform or streaming platforms. Read more about the changes we've made recently. Visit our pricing page our current prices
Our Featured blog articles

How do you get your tracks on playlists?
Should you focus your efforts on
Spotify, Apple music or Deezer?
Which one should you choose?

Success stories of 5 different
independent artists who decided to break the norm and eventually managed to flourish and make it in the industry.

Using Spotify music promotion services,
Playlist placement, or just trying
to grow your fan base?
How to stand out and promote
your music in the 2023.

Blogs are a great way to get your music exposed and listened to by new audiences.
Here are 7 best tips on how to get your music onto music blogs.

How to get radio airplay for
your latest music,
check out our latest artist tips.
Spotify's editorial playlists are
the holy grail of all Spotify playlists and every artists trying to get his music heard.
find out how to submit your tracks to these playlists.