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Spotify Playlists

Playlists up to 540,000K followers


Samples of our curators

Spotify Playlister
Spotify Curator
Spotify Playlist
Spotify Influencer

* Minimum $75 on popular music genres 

Our platform is 100% organic.
We do NOT guarantee playlist submissions.
We DO guarantee a written review for every submission.
If a curator likes your music, they will add it to their playlist/blog/label/channel.

Prices are changing according to the playlist size you submit to and according to the number of music submissions you choose. 

Prices for direct submit are not included and vary with each curator.

You pay for your music to be reviewed, this however, does not guarantee that you will be placed on any playlist, channel, radio station, record label or blog.

Your song will be listened to and reviewed by each curator, If they like your song, they will add it to their playlist.

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